Best 5+ Places To Visit in Sandakphu

Are you an adventure seeker longing for a thrilling trek amidst breathtaking landscapes? Look no further than Sandakphu, a dreamy destination perched amidst the stunning Himalayas. Discover the best time to visit this enchanting region and embark on an unforgettable journey to witness unmatched natural beauty and panoramic views that will leave you in awe.

Best 5+ Places To Visit in Sandakphu

Sandakphu, located in the state of West Bengal in India, is a popular tourist destination known for its breathtaking views of the Himalayan mountain range, including the majestic Mount Everest. With its enchanting landscapes and captivating beauty, Sandakphu attracts visitors from around the world throughout the year. However, there are certain times of the year that are considered the best to visit Sandakphu. Here are five places to explore during these seasons:

1. Sandakphu Peak:

The highest point in West Bengal, Sandakphu Peak offers panoramic views of the world’s highest peaks, including Mount Everest, Kanchenjunga, Makalu, and Lhotse. To witness the snow-covered peaks in all their glory, it is best to visit Sandakphu during the winter months, from November to February. The cold weather and clear skies provide the perfect conditions for viewing these magnificent peaks.

2. Singalila National Park:

Located at an altitude of 7,900 feet, Singalila National Park is a paradise for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts. The park is known for its diverse flora and fauna, including Red Pandas, Black Bears, and several species of birds. The best time to visit Singalila National Park is during the spring season, from March to May, when the park is in full bloom with rhododendrons and other wildflowers.

3. Tumling:

Tumling is a small village situated on the India-Nepal border, offering stunning views of the surrounding mountains. It serves as a base camp for trekkers heading to Sandakphu and offers guesthouses for accommodation. The best time to visit Tumling is during the autumn season, from September to November, when the weather is pleasant and the skies are clear, providing excellent visibility of the mountains.

4. Kalipokhri Lake:

Located at an altitude of 10,400 feet, Kalipokhri Lake is a sacred lake that is believed to be the abode of the goddess Kali. The lake’s black water adds to its mystique, and it is surrounded by lush green meadows and rhododendron forests. The best time to visit Kalipokhri Lake is during the summer months, from April to June when the weather is mild and perfect for trekking.

5. Manebhanjan:

Manebhanjan is the starting point of the Sandakphu trek and is a charming village nestled amidst the hills. It serves as the gateway to Sandakphu and offers stunning views of the surrounding valleys and tea gardens. The best time to visit Manebhanjan is during the monsoon season, from June to September, when the hills come alive with lush greenery and beautiful waterfalls.

In conclusion, Sandakphu is a destination that can be explored throughout the year, but the best time to visit varies depending on the specific place. Whether it’s witnessing the snow-covered peaks during winter, enjoying the blooming rhododendrons in spring, or trekking through the greenery during monsoon, Sandakphu offers something unique in every season.

Final Words

In conclusion, the best time to visit Sandakphu is during the months of April to May and October to November. These months offer pleasant weather, clear skies, and breathtaking views of the Himalayas. Whether you are an avid trekker or a nature enthusiast, visiting during these times will surely be a memorable experience.


1. What is the best time to visit Sandakphu?

The best time to visit Sandakphu is during the months of March to May and October to December when the weather is pleasant and offers clear views of the Himalayan peaks.

2. Can I visit Sandakphu during the monsoon season?

It is not recommended to visit Sandakphu during the monsoon season, which usually lasts from June to September. The region experiences heavy rainfall, landslides, and foggy conditions, making it difficult to trek and enjoy scenic views.

3. Are there any specific months when Sandakphu is closed for the visit?

No, Sandakphu is open for visitors throughout the year. However, it is advisable to check the weather conditions and road accessibility before planning a trip, especially during the winter months when snowfall can make the trek challenging.

4. Are there any medical concerns to be aware of while visiting Sandakphu?

Altitude sickness can be a concern when visiting Sandakphu as it is located at an altitude of around 11,941 feet. It is advisable to acclimatize properly, stay hydrated, and consult a doctor before embarking on the trek.

5. Can I visit Sandakphu in winter?

Yes, you can visit Sandakphu in winter, but it is recommended for experienced trekkers only. The region receives heavy snowfall, and the temperature can drop below freezing point, making it a challenging trek. It is essential to be well-prepared with appropriate winter gear and have prior trekking experience.

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